NYC NJ First - Discovering the genius in every kid.Kids and FLL
team and robot


We need your help to support the continued growth of FIRST in New York City.

Non-profit organizations are being rocked by the recession. Fundraising is a bigger challenge than ever before. New York City FIRST needs your contribution to enable us to continue to bring the FIRST experience to schools and community-based organizations across New York City.

Please consider making a contribution by credit card by clicking below.

Your contribution will be used to support FIRST programs across New York City. A significant part of our fundraising supports New York City schools’ participation in FIRST programs.

By contributing, you will be making a positive impact on the lives of thousands of young New Yorkers as they strive to develop the knowledge and skills they need if they are to successfully compete in the technologically-driven global economy.

To see how FIRST impacts the lives of young people please click HERE to see the results of various evaluations done of FIRST programs.

If you would like to discuss your participation, please contact me.

Thank you and best wishes in these very challenging times,

Randy Schaeffer
FIRST Regional Director

FIRST site