FIRST Team Runs Summer Camp for Middle-Schoolers
Continued from the July 2007 Newsletter...
The camp curriculum starts out very simple with an introduction of simple robot designs that the students can elaborate and make more complex. Fundamentals of computer programming are introduced using the LEGO MindStorm and NXT technologies. Each day the campers are given a different design problem to solve, giving students an opportunity to design, build, and program their own autonomous robotic creations. With the introduction of sensors, each week's challenge gets progressively harder and the design tasks more complicated.
The Summer Robotics camp serves as a stepping-stone to membership on the high school's FIRST Robotics team. Just ask Morgan, this year's camp organizer - he attended when he was in middle school. "Camp provided a challenging environment where both the instructors and I had to figure out how to complete the design problem at hand. I had to come up with new solutions and ideas I had never thought of before." |